Wednesday 28 January 2009

Day 6 - You Know How You Feel When ....

You know how you feel when you go to the beach at Clearwater and find a tresure trove of incredible shells and then decide that if theres good ones here there must be great ones just in the shallow surf and so you cautiously make your way out into the surf as to not make yourself wet and find you need to roll your shorts up a bit so they don't get splashed on and you see that perfect shell like the kind they sell in the store so you go out to pick it up and a wave comes and wets the bottom of your pants so you jump back but it's too late and you get a bit wet and have missed your shell so you try again and the next time you reach down to pick it up a hugenormous wave sweeps over your entire being and you get a mouthfull of sea water as well as completely and absolutely wet from the top of your head to your salty feet so you think what the heck and wade around in the water in ....HELLO! January.....and find more albiet less incredible shells that will fill a grocery bag along with sponges and silver dollars when suddenly it's time to go and you get in the car and drive home wet because you weren't actually planning to get wet so you didn't bring your bathing suit and you make the car smell like dead fish because you do and then you get home into the shower but can't seem to get the feeling of the salt water off your skin or hair? YUCK! But a whole heck of a lot of fun. That was me this morning.
P.S. Thank you to Mr. P. for taking so many lovely pictures of my large bent over A**. Very nice.

1 comment:

Serena Lewis said...

It seems that Mr P loves your a$$...LOL I LOVE searching for shells on the shoreline...yep, you have to watch those waves...they have a habit of sneaking up on people.